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Secretul Rihannei pentru un trup perfect

Singurele exercitii zilnice pe care Rihanna le face pentru a avea un corp tonifiat dureaza 25 de minute. Cantareata nu se epuizeaza la sala pentru

Achieving an A List body doesn't mean you have to have the bank balance of one, according to a personal trainer to the stars.

Harley Pasternak says he keeps celebs like Rihanna and Megan Fox in shape by getting them to wear a pedometer, which can be bought for as little as £3.

'I tell her (Rihanna) to make sure she takes 10,000 steps a day,' the fitness expert told Grazia magazine.

As well as walking, Harley gets the singer to do a workout five days a week that takes just 25 minutes and can be done anytime, anywhere.

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'I've put her on a special 25-minute-day workout that consists of five mini workouts,' he explains. 'She does it five days a week, wherever she is in the world... it's easy for her to fit around her busy schedule and even her holidays.'

The workout involves five phases

But the results aren't just achieved through exercise alone.

Harley also gets Rihanna to follow his 'five-factor' diet plan, which he details on his website

Instead of the traditional three meals a day, his diet recommends eating small five meals. Each of these meals must contain five key ingredients - protein, fibre, 'healthy' carbs, (eg fruit and vegetables) a 'healthy' fat (eg avocado or nuts), and a sugar-free drink such as green tea or vitamin water.

One perk of the eating plan is that dieters can have a 'cheat day' once a week.

'If you're good all the time, you're more likely to slip up and feel bad about your self. If you allow yourself to have a day where to eat anything you like, you'll stay on track the other six days. That's the secret to a great body and it keeps Rihanna happy,' he revealed.


Five minute cardio warm-up eg jogging
Five minute upper body workout eg push ups
Five minute lower body workout eg squats
Five minute ab workout eg sit ups
Five minute cardio cool-down eg skipping


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